Travel Photos


On the plane, heading to Texas to start our vacation. Of course, Heather and Sue always need to be wearing something that matches.

Adam looks excited to start his vacation. I think he's wondering why we let the girls sit together on the plane.

Our flight was delayed at the Chicago Airport. For a while there, we didn't think we would make the boat.

I'm holding up my plane ticket after getting off the phone with Carnival. They promised to hold the cruise ship for us. (Check out my rant page for more on that fiasco.)

The girls are excited that the vacation seems to be back on track.

Here is a post card we picked up that shows our ship.

Finally, we are on the ship. Things got a little dicey, and Carnival had to delay the ship for two and a half hours, but the vacation can finally start.

After the winter we've had, the first thing we did was change into t-shirts and shorts.

Here we are at the end of the cruise, heading towards immigration. Notice I had my jacket out already. It was 57 degrees when we got back in to Galveston.

Sue was sick the last couple days of the cruise (Bronchitis and Flu Virus Strains A & B). One of the few things she could eat were corn pops. Here she is stealing some for the trip home.

Here we are, hanging out in the Houston Airport. We had to wait 4 hours for our flight home. If Carnival booked our flight an hour later, we could have taken a tour to the Houston Space Center instead.

And here is what I had to look forward to once I got home. Another 12 inches of snow. Bleah.

Last Updated: 3/3/05