Travel Photos

Belize City

In Belize, we took a snorkel trip to the barrier reef. We had to leave the ship on a tender.

Here is Sue on our tender. Look how blue the water is behind her.

Adam, Sue and I having a good time on the tender, just moments before Sue almost knocks herself unconscious on the wall behind her.

The tender pulls up to a sand bar where we are going to be snorkeling.

Heather and Sue in their snorkeling gear after we get into the water.

I used a disposable under water camera for most of these shots, and wasn't very impressed with the results. The pictures came out very dark.

There are a couple of fish in this picture. They are kind of hard to see.

The guides would not let us get very close to the coral for safety reasons.

For the most part, the water was 20 to 25 feet deep. It was so clear, though, that there was no problem seeing all the way to the bottom.

It was very beautiful, but there were to many people snorkeling in the water.

You couldn't swim 5 feet with out bumping into someone or having someone kick you in the face with their swim fins.

When the tour headed back towards the sand bar, I was able to get some better close-up pictures of the coral.

Here is a view of our tender from the sand bar.

Heather and Sue enjoy their "Beach break".

The sand bar beach was very picturesque and was an unexpected toper to the tour.

Conch shells could be found everywhere in the water. But much to Sue's displeasure, we were not allowed to take any back to the ship.

Back on the tender, we steal some seats on the top deck of the boat for the ride back.

We also get to enjoy some complementary soda and rum punch.

We leave the sand bar beach behind and head back to the ship.

Last Updated: 3/6/05