Travel Photos

Grand Cayman

We arrived at Sting Ray City via catamaran. As you can tell by the sky in the background, it wasn't a particularly warm day.

My mom doesn't quite know what to think when we first encounter the sting rays.

They are so used to being fed that they start swarming around the surface when people are in the water.

My brother is in the background, trying to feed a sting ray. I think he's pretty much nuts.

Here's my Dad, taking everything in.

After you start feeding them, the sting rays get a little frisky. Here's one climbing my Dad's back.

It's starting to get pretty cold, and my Mom's had enough excitement for one day.

Here's my brother trying to feed another sting ray. You put a piece of squid in your fist, and the sting ray swims over and sucks it out. It's a pretty neat feeling.

The instructor showed us how to pick up a sting ray, so my brother had to try it once before we left.

Last Updated: 7/21/04