Travel Photos


This is an old fortress protecting Sorrento from invaders from the sea.

Here is a view of the coast line. Sorrento is a peninsula in the Bay of Naples.

This is another view of the Sorrento coast.

This building was next to our hotel. It kind of reminds me of the haunted mansion in Disney. Apparently it is owned by the family of the Count of Monte Cristo, and because they can't agree to use it or to sell it, it now stands here is disrepair. Inside is a swimming pool that pumps in salt water from the ocean below.

Here is my Mom and Dad sitting on the balcony off of our hotel room. Check out the view.

Here is my brother and I chillin' out.

And the musical chairs continue. My Mom and I pose while Brett tries to demonstrate he can take better pictures than I can.

Not one to give up, my brother is still farting around with the camera while my Dad and I pose. The picture is a little dark, isn't Brett?

Last Updated: 12/13/03