Travel Photos


I was unaware that the Leaning Tower of Pisa was actually only part of a larger complex of buildings called the Piazza dei Miracoli. The combination of the white marble buildings and the green lawn really set this apart from any other place we saw in Italy. It was really beautiful.

The piazza is surrounded and protected by an ancient wall. I think the wall actually has the unintended effect of preventing the buildings from discoloring as badly as other monuments we've seen in Italy.

The first building you come to when you enter the piazza is the Baptistry.

The next building is the Cathedral.

The tower itself is actually the bell tower of the Cathedral.

Here Brett poses for what out guide called "The Stupid Picture". He is supposed to look like he is trying to hold up the tower, but we weren't able to get it lined up right. He claims it was bad camera work. I think he was just too short.

Last Updated: 12/13/03