Travel Photos


Like many of the other cities we saw, Milan was also protected by a large city wall. Here are the remains of that wall.

Here is a picture of the very impressive Milan Cathedral. It was built in the Gothic style and remains the largest Gothic church in the world.

Here is a closer view of the Cathedral and one of its very large stained glass windows.

These statues and gargoyles around the cathedral are used to divert rain water.

This statue within the church depicts St. Bartholomew who was flayed alive and wears his skin draped around him.

Here is a view inside the Cathedral. The scale is just awesome.

Here is another view looking upon the alter. The floor is a marble mosaic.

This is one of the many stained glass windows. From outside, the windows appear black. From inside you can see all the amazing colors.

Due to heavy bombing during World War II, the windows were removed to protect them. Unfortunately, some of them still broke. The bottom eight panes are replacements and look darker than the original panes above them.

Twice a year (May and September), Milan’s most important relic, a nail from the cross of Christ, can be seen on display in the church.

The Emmanuele II Gallery is an elegant shopping mall of sorts.

The roof of the building is a spectacular glass dome.

The mosaics high up in the ceiling in the octagonal court are amazing. They are supposed to represent the "Four" continents America, Europe, Asia and Africa. And of course, what would a mall be without a McDonald's?

Here is the Milan branch office of my company. I ship stuff to them all the time. It was kind of funny to randomly come across them.

Walking around the city, we kept coming across these traffic barriers that were painted like penguins. No one quite understood why.

The mystery only got deeper when I ran into this trash can.

Last Updated: 12/13/03