Travel Photos

Lake Como

From Milan, we took a trip to Lake Como. Formed at the start of the Swiss Alps by glaciers, it is a favorite retreat of the rich and famous.

Here is one of the world's steepest running trains. There are actually two cars that are counter balanced.

One again, my camera battery decided to die, so I missed alot of pictures.

However, we did see the vacation home of such people as George Clooney, Sophia Loren, the Versace family and the Heintz family (Heintz Ketchup).

Here is another view of the lake.

I thought this picture was kind of funny. My Mom's side of the family is from the Lake Como area. My grandparents house was built on a big hill, and growing up I remember my Grandpa and my Uncle mowing their lawn like this. Must be genetics.

Last Updated: 12/13/03