Travel Photos

Island of Capri

People around here always complain about rotaries. This little stone in the middle of the road in an example of an Italian rotary. Cars have to drive around this stone to make the sharp turn necessary to continue up the mountain.

To get to the top of the island, we had to take a chair lift ride. The views were incredible. Here we are over someone's house and their personal grape vines.

Here is an old abandoned building. You find these a lot in Italy as the government does not allow construction or demolition without special permission.

Here is my brother on the chair in front of me.

Here is a view of the town that we landed at with the ferry, Marina Piccola.

Check out the view from the top of the island.

Absolutely gorgeous.

At the end of the chair lift ride was a rest spot to hang out and maybe get a few drinks at the bar before heading back down. Here is my brother and my Mom. We aren't sure what the significance of the stone mask is.

Brett insisted that I take this picture of him that looks like his hand is on the statue's shoulder. Again, not sure what the significance is.

Here we are on our way back down. Again, Brett is in the chair in front of me and Marina Piccola is in the top left corner.

Looks like an old bunker or something. Maybe a wine cellar? The silvery green bushes are olive trees.

This person's home was kind of funny with all the decorations and garden gnomes.

Last Updated: 10/10/03