Travel Photos

Hawaiian Sunsets

Our first night in Hawaii, Sue and I pushed of fatigue and jet lag from our long flight to walk Waikiki Beach in Ohau.

We were treated to a beautiful sunset. It was pretty much everything we expected.

At night, they lit up the streets with these tiki torches. What a perfect way to kick off our honeymoon.

Our first night in Kona on the Big Island produced a pretty terrific sunset as well.

A little cloudier, but still beautiful colors.

And the sunset on our next day in Kona was no slouch, either.

In kauai, we weren't able to catch a sunset, but we did have a full moon, which was absolutely beautiful, lighting up the ocean.

This was the view from our dinner table each night.

One night we decided to walk the beach in the moonlight and got this picture, too.

In Maui, it was hard to see the sunset because it was blocked by this large rock formation that stuck out into the water.

Although we were treated to a cliff diving demonstration at sunset.

Our tour director warned us, "One cliff, One dive. Don't blink or you'll miss it." Well unfortunately, I blinked.

Last Updated: 7/30/06