Travel Photos


When we landed in Kauai, our bus took us to the Princeville Resort for lunch. The scenery was absolutely beautiful.

Supposedly, past tours have run into famous people here, since Princeville is home to the rich and famous, but we didn't have any such luck.

It was still a wonderful lunch. Maybe the best of the trip.

The resort overlooks the beautiful Hanalei Bay. If the peak all the way to the right looks familiar, it is because it was used as the shot of Bali Hai in the movie South Pacific.

Here is a picture of the front of the resort with the spectacular mountains in the background.

After lunch, we visited a guava plantation.

We were allowed to forage around and pick all the guava we could carry.

Here is what a guava looks like in the tree.

And here is Florence trying to reach up in a tree for a guava. We ended up giving her several of the ones we had picked.

Sue thought this was a funny picture. Mind in the gutter, that one.

Last Updated: 7/30/06