Our Family

Baby's First Ultrasound, November 8, 2007

Here are the ultrasound pictures from our first doctor's visit. Mommy and Baby are both doing very well. Daddy got yelled at for poking around the examination room. (I still maintain that they would not put the brochures on the wall if they didn't want you to read them. Sue disagrees).

At this point, the baby was 9 weeks old. This is a side view they used to determine the baby's length. Despite my Dad's teasing, there is definitely only one baby.

A closer zoom of the same angle. It was still to0 early to determine the sex of the baby, but we were able to see the heart beat on the ultrasound. Pretty amazing stuff.

A cute front view of the baby. You can see the head, both arms and both legs. Maybe the proud Papa is reading too much into the picture, but I swear you can make out facial features already.

Last Updated: 11/29/07