Our Family

Ella's Twenty Week Update, November 1, 2008

Ella's thirteen week picture.

Now that the weather is getting cooler, we had to buy her a fleece suit for daycare. She's not thrilled by it, but we think she's stinking cute!

Ella's fourteen week picture.

Ella's fifteen week picture.

We got her high chair out a little early to see if it would keep her happy long enough for us to do some things around the house. Like most everything else, it didn't last long.

And then a gift from Heaven! She LOVES her exersaucer that Sue's friend Kelly gave us. Her youngest had recently outgrown it.

Ella's sixteen week picture.

Mommy's nickname for Ella is "Love Bug", so we just had to buy this onsie when we found it at the Carters outlet.

Ella's seventeen week picture.

At her four month checkup, we asked Dr. Jillson to take a picture with Ella. She just adores Dr. Jillson.

She hates hats, though.

She really, really hates hats.

Ella and Mommy head out for an walk.

Ella hangs out with Great Grammie & Great Grampy Ovitt at Kayla's birthday party.

Ella's eighteen week picture.

Dr. Jillson gave us the go ahead to try solid foods. Our first attempt was sweet potatoes, which did not go over well. She does love applesauce and she tolerates rice cereal.

Ella's nineteen week picture.

Her teeth still have not come in, but they really seem to bother her. One thing that helps is giving her frozen apple slices in her teether. She LOVES frozen apple slices.

Peas, not so much.

Ella's twenty week picture.

Last Updated: 11/1/08