Our Family

Ella's First Halloween Pumpkin, October 26, 2008

Sue and I both have fond memories of picking out pumpkins when we were growing up. We couldn't wait to take Ella out to get her first pumpkin and then carve out her first Jack-O-Lantern.

By the time we got to the farm, Ella had fallen asleep and neither of us had the heart to wake her up, so Daddy picked out her pumpkin for her.

When we got her home, Ella was very excited to see her pumpkin.

She studied her pumpkin intently.

She loves the color orange and also seemed to really like the feel of the pumpkin.

In the end, she didn't quite know what to make of the whole thing.

The following weekend, Madison came down to spend the weekend and helped to carve the pumpkin.

As you can tell, pumpking carving is serious business. This is probably the first pumpking I've carved since I was a kid.

Ella hung out with Mommy while Daddy carved the pumpkin and Madison pulled out the pumpkin seeds for roasting.

The final product. Not too shabby for twenty years of rust.

Grampy Ovitt & Daya gave Ella a Halloween card with $5. Ella loved playing with the money.

Last Updated: 10/26/08