Our Family

Ella's Two Month Update, August 10, 2008

In Ella's second month, colic is still an issue. We have tried just about everything, including visiting with a GI specialist. We eliminated anything that could be serious, so now we have to ride it out. The doctors tell us that colic peaks at 6 to 8 weeks, and that has certainly been the case. If it continues to be "text book", we only have 4 weeks left!

There have been plenty of positive developments this month, too. Ella recognizes Mommy and Daddy now. She will greet us with a great big smile when she hasn't seen one of us for a while. She even recognized Daddy's voice over the phone! Below are some photos with more of her second month milestones:

Ella still only sleeps on top of us in the recliner. It has been two months since either of us have slept in our own bed.

Ella's 5 week photo. Seems to be getting less painful.

We have had lots of visitors over the past month. Unfortunately, we are usually so tired that we forget to take pictures. Ella seems to really enjoy Sly talking french to her.

She seems a little confused by Jason's mohawk, though.

Ella is really happy on her changing pad.

The changing pad gives her the best view of her favorite light. She'll spend 10 minutes "talking" and smiling at her light. Go figure.

She has also started to stick her fingers in her eyes, nose and mouth. Hey, stop picking your nose!

Burping has become a little more difficult. Sometimes we need to use the "last resort" position. She usually isn't too impressed.

We have also spent the last month stalking the cat around the house to get a picture of him with Ella.

Sam still isn't too sure of the whole "baby" thing. He has been a very good boy, though.

Ella channels a little Dr. Evil for her six week picture. (Or is that Mini-me?)

Ella's smiles have been getting bigger and more frequent this month. She will even give Mommy and Daddy a great big smile when she hasn't seen one of us for a while.

Of course, there is still the crying. She has added a high pitch screech to her repertoire, which has been fun.

Another development this month is that she has started to hold her toys if we place them in her hand.

Ella's 7 week photo. She has no idea what is in store for her later.

We "celebrated" with a doctor visit. Ella received her first round of vaccinations. It was a rough day.

Here are two of her boo-boos.

This is just a cute picture.

Yesterday, Ella slept all by herself in her bouncy chair for 2 hours!!!

After her nap, it was time for a little play time. In the past couple days, she has started to reach out and bat at the hanging toys on her play mat.

Ella's 8 week photo. Is that a smile?

Last Updated: 8/10/08